International Evangelical
Church of Duhok

We are an English-speaking evangelical church proclaiming the gospel in Duhok, Iraq

International Evangelical
Church of Duhok

We are an English-speaking evangelical church proclaiming the gospel in Duhok, Iraq

International Evangelical
Church of Duhok

We are an English-speaking evangelical church proclaiming the gospel in Duhok, Iraq

International Evangelical
Church of Duhok

We are an English-speaking evangelical church proclaiming the gospel in Duhok, Iraq

What We Believe

The IECD believes in one eternal God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is sovereign, holy, and just. The Bible, inspired and infallible, is the ultimate authority. Humans, created in God’s image, are corrupted by sin and need redemption through Jesus Christ, who is fully God and man. Salvation, by grace through faith in Christ, brings forgiveness and eternal life. The Holy Spirit indwells believers, empowering them for service. The universal Church, led by Christ, expresses unity in local congregations. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper symbolize the gospel. Jesus will return to judge and renew all creation.

Latest Sermons

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Genesis 20-21

God’s plan to bless the world may be utterly baffling to us, but it’s His choice to make, and it is certain to succeed.
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Genesis 18-19

God will always rescue His people from His terrifying judgment.
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Genesis 15-17

Despite what we often think, God does not need our help to accomplish His purposes.
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