Church Constitution

Preamble –  A group of believers in 2013, felt called by God to formally constitute as a church seeking Scripture to be their guide.  They have been gathering for the worship of God, the building up of the saints and the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  God by His Spirit has been faithful to us as a church in this goal.

Part 1 – Principles for Trust Purposes

1.1       The church’s name is The International Evangelical Church of Duhok.  This document is the church’s constitution. 

1.2       We aim to have church membership meetings not less than twice a year.

1.2.1   Written minutes of their meetings should be maintained.

1.3 Practices

1.3.1 Baptism – the Members of the Church agreed, in adopting these Rules, that the mode of baptism is immersion and the proper subjects of baptism are believers.  This means that one should be baptized after they have professed faith in Christ in accordance with Matthew 28:19.            

1.3.2 The Lord’s Supper – the Members of the Church agreed in adopting these Rules that all those who profess to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord  and are in good standing with the church of which they are a member, as long as it is a church that preaches the same gospel that is preached here, will be invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper. 

1.4 Any new Members, including the Pastor, to be appointed under Rule 2.1 must confirm in writing their wholehearted agreement to the Statement of Faith and acceptance of the provisions of these Rules in their entirety before their admission to membership. On consideration of the elders, members may be added who take exceptions to certain parts of this constitution.

Part 2 – Rules for the Internal Governance of the Church

2.1 Members and Membership

2.1.1 Members of the Church shall be those persons who have confirmed in writing their unreserved agreement to the Statement of Faith and their acceptance of these Rules in their entirety and whose Membership has been approved and has not been suspended or terminated, all in accordance with the provisions of this Rule 2.1. 2.1.2   Membership brings with it certain privileges and responsibilities. The privileges are identified as (i) membership of the local Body of Christ in all its work and worship, (ii) to be able to partake in discussing and agreeing the way in which the local church should move forward and fulfill its Biblical role in the local community and (iii) the benefit of pastoral care. Each of these privileges brings with it the additional responsibilities which in addition to those duties listed in the church covenant also include:  to (i) participate in the work of the Church and its activities, to (ii) regularly attend meetings, to (iii) bear each other up before the Lord in prayer, and to (iv) share in the financial needs of the Church; all to be done within the confidentiality of church membership.

Admission to Membership

2.1.3 A person may apply to the Elders to become a Member of the Church and that application, if thought fit, laid before the Members at Church Meeting for their approval.  This voting could be done by email in order to bring someone into membership since membership meetings do not happen very regularly. Prospective members will be asked whether they are in good standing with their previous church and are currently not under church discipline there.  If yes, the issue will be investigated by the Elders.  Members may also maintain dual church membership if they plan to be in the city for a temporary period or their job requires it.  They must inform their church back home that they plan to join this church as well.  If there is a discipline issue that arises here, that members’ other church will be informed as well. For voting issues, if a member moves away from the area or is away for an extended period of time, they will not be included in the voting numbers required to reach a decision on various issues.

Suspension from Membership

A Member may be suspended from Membership where thedisciplinary procedure set out in Rule 2.6 has been followed and the Members approve such a course of action at a General Church Meeting.

2.1.5 While a Member is suspended he or she will have no right to receive notices of any Church Meeting or to attend and vote at any such meeting, nor will they be entitled to attend the Lord’s Supper without the approval of the Church Officers, unless and until their suspension is rescinded and they are restored to full Membership.

Termination of Membership

2.1.6 A Member may be removed from Membership by the application of the disciplinary procedure set out in Rule 2.6.

2.1.7 A Member shall be removed from Membership where they are unable to confirm in writing their unreserved agreement to the Statement of Faith and acceptance of these Rules in their entirety when asked to do so. A reservation on a certain point in the statement of faith may be allowed if agreed upon by the members after recommendation from the elders.

2.1.8 A person whose Membership has been terminated pursuant to Rules 2.1.6 or 2.1.7 will not be entitled to attend the Lord’s Supper unless otherwise approved by the Elders.

2.1.9 A person who leaves the area and does not plan to return should give notice of his or her intent to resign.  The elders or a member shall make inquiry as to their plans to commit to another local church or fellowship.  If no such intention is made or if the other church preaches a false gospel, then before accepting the resignation, the member should  be warned by an elder or a pastor or another church member.

2.2 Baptism

2.2.1   Rule 1.3.1 sets out the view of the Church with regard to Baptism. 2.2.2   Any person wishing to be baptized shall submit their request to the Elders who will arrange for two of their number to interview the applicant. The representatives shall report back to a meeting of the Elders. The interview shall include questions regarding understanding of the gospel, repentance and faith.  Baptism should be done in conjunction with local church membership.  If the individual refuses to join as a member or for some reason is unable, then consideration should be taken whether to baptize the individual at all.  It may be better to have them be baptized where they can be a member for a longer period of time.

2.2.3 An applicant who is to be baptized should give testimony to their faith before the baptism.

2.3 The Lord’s Supper

2.3.1   The Lord’s Supper is to be celebrated in thanksgiving for the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us. It is a service of remembrance of, and communion with, the risen Lord by those who have been saved.

2.3.2   The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated regularly.  The table shall be open to all who truly believe in the Lord Jesus and know Him as their Savior, have been baptized, and are in good standing with their local church.

2.4 Church Officers

2.4.1 PASTOR(S) / MINISTER(S) If it is seen fit to seek a paid pastor, it shall be the duty of the Elders to nominate a suitable candidate to fill the vacancy. Such nominations shall be communicated to the Church Members who, having had the opportunity of forming their own opinion, shall be called upon to vote by ballot at a properly convened Special     Church Meeting. If the candidate receives 80%  or more of the votes cast, the Church Officers shall proceed to invite him upon terms and conditions agreed by them. The Church Officers shall issue a Statement of Terms and Conditions of Service to each Pastor / Minister.

2.4.2 Elders The Pastor and the other Elders shall be members responsible to the Church for the spiritual oversight of worship, teaching, membership, fellowship and evangelism. They shall guide Church meetings and all other departments and organizations in matters of policy, program and leadership.  Elders shall be men qualified by the Holy Spirit in character and experience (as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 & 11; Titus 1:5-9; and 1 Peter 5:2-3). The number may vary as the Lord provides brethren with the necessary gifts. Nominations for a new Elder may be made at any time by the body of Elders or any four members after they have met with the Elders for consultation and prayer. An Elder shall be appointed for one year and shall then be eligible for re-election. The Elders shall meet at least once every month unless it is decided by a majority vote to cancel or alter the date of the meeting. In no case must the Elders Meeting be canceled on more than two successive occasions.

2.4.3 Deacons Deacons shall be appointed as the LORD provides those that are qualified.  The congregation shall vote to approve these deacons. Deacons and deaconesses shall be men and women qualified by the Holy Spirit in character and experience (as described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13). The number may vary as the Lord provides brothers or sisters with the necessary gifts. Deacons and deaconesses shall care for the temporal needs of members, attend to the accommodations for public worship, and encourage and support those able to help others and those with gifts of administration.

2.5 Church Treasurer

2.5.1 The Elders shall appoint from O the membership a Church Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall meet the qualifications of a deacon.

2.5.2 The Elders shall be responsible for the preparation of notices of any General or Special Church Meetings and the issuing of all papers and reports to be presented to such meetings. Members shall deliver to the Elders any notice of items of business to be discussed at a Church Meeting.

2.5.3   The Church Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the accounts of the Church. Any Member holding any church funds shall account for those funds to the Church Treasurer together with such explanations and documentary evidence as will enable him to incorporate the figures into the church accounts.

2.6 Disciplinary Procedure

2.6.1   The procedure set out in this Rule 2.6 shall be followed where any member is accused of immorality, disunity, failure to accept the Statement of Faith or any other action or behavior that brings dishonor to the name of the Lord.  These procedures should be followed in accordance with Matthew 18, 1 Corinthians 5, Titus 3, 2 Thessalonians 3, Titus 3:9-11, and other applicable Scriptures.

2.6.2 The Elders should be informed where it is believed this procedure should be followed due to a Member’s teachings or behavior. Where such a report is received or where they themselves believe such a situation to exist the Elders shall appoint two of their number to meet with the Member to enquire into the matter and report the facts to a meeting of the Elders for prayerful consideration of future action. Every reasonable effort shall be made by the Elders to restore such members to the full life and fellowship of the Church (2 Corinthians 2:5-11). If this is not possible the Elders shall recommend either admonition, or removal from the Membership.

2.7 Church Business Meetings

2.7.1   General Church Meetings shall be held at least two times a year on dates determined by the Elders.

2.7.2   One of the General Church Meetings shall be the Annual General Meeting. The Elders shall present their Annual Report and the Annual Accounts of the church funds at the Annual General Meeting.

2.7.3   At least 14 days’ notice shall be given of any General or Special Church Meeting. The Agenda setting out the business to be discussed at that meeting will be available for inspection during the two preceding weeks.

2.8 Voting

2.8.1   Unless otherwise set out in these Rules all votes at a General or Special Church Meeting shall be carried by a majority (as defined by the elders for that particular issue) of those Members present and voting in favor of the proposal. There also must be a quorum of 75% either physically present or by some tele-conferencing technology.

2.9 Amendment of the Rules

2.9.1 A majority of 75% of those Members present at the Church Meeting and voting in favor is required to approve a proposed    amendment to any Rule.

2.9.2 Notice of any proposed amendment together with the specific wording of the proposed change must be given in writing to all Church members at least 3 weeks before the meeting at which the proposal will be put to the vote.